Kunkumadi Taila

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹550.00.

S N Pandit Kunumadi taila is used as “Ayurvedic Skincare routine” to get bright and glowing skin

  • 100% Authentic Ayurvedic formulation
  • Brighten overall complexion
  • Kunkumadi taila helps improve skin texture, helps with skin brightening on regular usage and helps look younger with radiant skin
  • Kumkumadi Tailam helps to even out skin tone, and makes skin blemish free
  • It reduces hyper pigmentation
  • Pleasant saffron smell

Usage : Apply 2-3 drops of oil, with gentle massage in upward direction and leave over night. If your skin oil wash after an hour

SKU: 1a3ea5225bc7-1-1-1 Category:

S N Pandit KUNKUMADI THAILAM is a traditional and Authentic Ayurvedic formulation mentioned in Ayurveda Texts to Improves Skin radiance and treat hyper pigmentation disorders. It is made with finest and pure Kashmiri saffron, Laksha, Manjishta rakta Chandana, prop roots of Banyan tree, , Padmaka, lotus petal, and slowly cooked with Ajasheera (goats milk) and sesame oil base as mentioned in ayurvedic classical texts.

Kunkumadi taila is belived to have various benefits for skin such as improving complexion and radiance, reducing blemishes and promoting youthful appearance. Add glow to the life with 3-4 drops of Kunkumadi taila. An “AYURVEDA DAILY ROUTINE” for a healthy, radiant, youthful and blemish free skin.



10 ml

7 reviews for Kunkumadi Taila

  1. Arpitha S

    One of the best brand I have experienced with kumkumadi Taila product
    With just one application itself there was a big difference with skin glow and texture
    I would recommend everyone ,if you want healthy glowing skin please take a thought to use this kumkumadi Taila of SN Pandit and thank me later 😄

  2. Arpitha S

    One of the best brand I have experienced with kumkumadi Taila product
    With just one application itself there was a big difference with skin glow and texture
    I would recommend everyone ,if you want healthy glowing skin please take a thought to use this kumkumadi Taila of SN Pandit and thank me later 😁

    • admin (store manager)

      thank you Dr Arpita

  3. Kaushik

    I’ve been using SN Pandits Kunkumadi Tailam for a few weeks, and the product speaks for itself—the soft smell is incredibly calming. My skin now has a noticeably better texture, and just a dab of this oil leaves it feeling hydrated, moisturized, and radiant.

    • admin (store manager)

      thank You Kaushik

  4. Lakshmi srinivasan

    SN Pandit kumkumadhi thila is awesome product, I could feel the difference is my face with 3 to 4 days of usage, my face had glow n softness .

    • admin (store manager)

      thank you lakshmi srinivasan for the wonderful feed back

  5. Madhav Puri

    Kumkumadi Oil – they’ve definitely aced it. The texture is so luxe, and that pure scent of Saffron is pure bliss. My skin is Brighter and blemishes are fading and it is working within 4-5 usages. Totally worth buying the product. Without second thoughts, just go for it! Highly recommended!!!

    • admin (store manager)

      Thank You MadhavPuri

  6. Dr. Shriya Doreswamy

    This is Magic in a bottle! I have used kunkumadi taila for 3 months and my skin has never looked better! Highly recommend this product. It is genuine, amazingly fragrant and exceptionally pure!

    • admin (store manager)

      Thank You Dr Shreya for your feedback…

  7. Ravi M.P (verified owner)

    Kunkumadia Taila are a great way to nourish and hydrate your skin, leading to a softer and brighter complexion

    • admin (store manager)

      thanks for your feedback sir..can you share the photographs if you have ?

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